
Sunday 30th June - Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 23rd June - Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 16th June - Third Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 9th June - Second Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 2nd June - First Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 26th May - Trinity Sunday

Sunday 19th May - Pentecost

Sunday 12th May - Seventh Sunday of Easter

Sunday 5th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 28th April - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 21st April - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 14th April - Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday 7th April - Second Sunday of Easter

Sunday 31st March - Easter Day

Sunday 24th March - Palm Sunday

Sunday 17th March - Fifth Sunday of Lent

Sunday 10th March - Fourth Sunday of Lent, Mothering Sunday

Sunday 3rd March - Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday 25th February - Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 18th February - First Sunday of Lent

Sunday 11th February - Sunday next before Lent

Sunday 4th February - Second Sunday before Lent / Christingle

Sunday 28th January - Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 21st January - Third Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 14th January - The Baptism of Christ

Sunday 7th January 2024 - The Epiphany

Sundays 24th & 31st December  - Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & First Sunday of Christmas 

Sunday 17th December - Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday 10th December - Second Sunday of Advent

Sunday 3rd December - First Sunday of Advent

Sunday 26th November - Christ the King

Sunday 19th November - Second Sunday before Advent

Sunday 12th November - Third Sunday before Advent, Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 5th November - All Souls'

Sunday 29th October - Bible Sunday

Sunday 22nd October - Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 15th October - Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 8th October - Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 1st October - Harvest Festival

Sunday 24th September - St Michael and All Angels

Sunday 17th September - Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 10th September - Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 3rd September - Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 27th August - Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 20th August - Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 13th August - Tenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 6th August - The Transfiguration of our Lord

Sunday 30th July - Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 23rd July - Seventh Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 16th July - Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 9th July - Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 2nd July - Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 25th June - Third Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 18th June - Second Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 11th June - First Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 4th June - Trinity Sunday

Sunday 28th May - Day of Pentecost

Sunday 21st May - Seventh Sunday of Easter

Sunday 14th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 7th May - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 30th April - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 23rd April - Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday 16th April - Second Sunday of Easter

Sunday 9th April - Easter Day

Sunday 2nd April - Palm Sunday

Sunday 26th March - Passion Sunday

Sunday 19th March - The Fourth Sunday of Lent

Sunday 12th March - The Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday 5th March - The Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 26th February - The First Sunday of Lent

Sunday 19th February - The Sunday next before Lent

Sunday 12th February - The Second Sunday before Lent

Sunday 5th February - The Third Sunday before Lent

Sunday 29th January - The Presentation of Christ (Candlemas)

Sunday 22nd January - The Third Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 15th January - The Second Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 8th January - The Baptism of Christ

Sundays 25th December 2022 & 1st January 2023 - Christmas Day and The Naming of Jesus

Sunday 18th December - Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sunday 11th December - Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday 4th December - Second Sunday of Advent

Sunday 27th November - First Sunday of Advent

Sunday 20th November - Christ the King

Sunday 13th November - Second Sunday before Advent, Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 6th November - Third Sunday before Advent, All Souls

Sunday 30th October - All Saints' Sunday

Sunday 23rd October - Last Sunday after Trinity; Bible Sunday

Sunday 16th October - Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 9th October - Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 2nd October - Harvest Festival

Sunday 25th September - St Michael and All Angels

Sunday 18th September - Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 11th September - Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sundays 28th August & 4th September - Eleventh & Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Sundays 14th & 21st August - Ninth & Tenth Sunday after Trinity

Sundays 31st July & 7th August - Seventh & Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 24th July - Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 17th July - Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 10th July - Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 3rd July - Third Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 26th June - Second Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 19th June - First Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 12th June - Trinity Sunday

Sunday 5th June - Day of Pentecost

Sunday 29th May - Seventh Sunday of Easter

Sunday 22nd May - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 15th May - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 8th May - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 1st May - Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday 24th April - Second Sunday of Easter

Sunday 17th April - Easter Day

Sunday 10th April - Palm Sunday

Sunday 3rd April - Passion Sunday

Sunday 27th March - Fourth Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday)

Sunday 20th March - Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday 13th March - Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 6th March - First Sunday of Lent

Sunday 27th February - Sunday next before Lent

Sunday 20th February - Second Sunday before Lent

Sunday 13th February - Third Sunday before Lent

Sunday 6th February - Accession Day

Sunday 30th January - The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)

Sunday 23rd January - Third Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 16th January - Second Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 9th January - The Baptism of Christ

Saturday 25th/Sunday 26th December 2021 & Sunday 2nd January 2022 - Christmas Day, St Stephen's Day and Second Sunday of Christmas

Sunday 19th December - Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sunday 12th December - Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday 5th December - Second Sunday of Advent

Sunday 28th November - First Sunday of Advent

Sunday 21st November - Christ the King

Sunday 14th November - Second Sunday before Advent

Sunday 7th November - Third Sunday before Advent

Sunday 31st October - All Saints' Day

Sunday 24th October - Last Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 17th October - Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 10th October - Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 3rd October - Harvest Festival

Sunday 26th September - St Michael and All Angels

Sunday 19th September - Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 12th September - Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sundays 29th August & 5th September - Thirteenth & Fourteenth Sundays after Trinity

Sundays 15th & 22nd August  - The Blessed Virgin Mary & Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Sundays 1st & 8th August  - Ninth and Tenth Sundays after Trinity

Sunday 25th July - St James the Great

Sunday 18th July - Seventh Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 11th July - Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 4th July - Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 27th June - Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 20th June - Third Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 13th June - Second Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 6th June - First Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 30th May - Trinity Sunday

Sunday 23rd May - Pentecost

Sunday 16th May - Seventh Sunday of Easter

Sunday 9th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 2nd May - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 25th April - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 18th April - Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday 11th April - Second Sunday of Easter

Sunday 4th April - Easter Day

Sunday 28th March - Palm Sunday

Sunday 21st March - Passion Sunday

Sunday 14th March - Fourth Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday)

Sunday 7th March - Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday 28th February - Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 21st February - First Sunday of Lent

Sunday 14th February - Sunday next before Lent

Sunday 7th February - Second Sunday before Lent

Sunday 31st January - The Presentation of Christ (Candlemas)

Sunday 24th January - The Third Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 17th January - The Second Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 10th January - The Baptism of Christ

Sunday 3rd January 2021 - Second Sunday of Christmas

Sunday 20th December - Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sunday 13th December - Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday 6th December - Second Sunday of Advent

Sunday 29th November - First Sunday of Advent

Sunday 22nd November - Christ the King

Sunday 15th November - Second Sunday before Advent

Sunday 8th November - Third Sunday before Advent

Sunday 1st November - All Saints' Day

Sunday 25th October - Bible Sunday
'Look' Children's Resource, October 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 18th October - Luke, Physician and Evangelist
'Look' Children's Resource, October 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 11th October - Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, October 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 4th October - Harvest Festival and St Francis' Day
'Look' Children's Resource, October 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 27th September - Patronal Festival, St Michael and All Angels
ROOTS Children's Sheet for Trinity 16, 27 September-3rd October © ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.
ROOTS Colouring Sheet for Trinity 16, 27 September-3rd October © ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.

Sunday 20th September - Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
ROOTS Children's Sheet, 20-26th September © ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.
ROOTS Colouring Sheet, 20-26th September © ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.

Sunday 13th September - Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
ROOTS Children's Sheet, 13-19th September © ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.
ROOTS Colouring Sheet 13-19th September © ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.

Sunday 6th September - Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
ROOTS Children's Sheet, 6-12th September © ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.
ROOTS Colouring Sheet, 6-12th September © ROOTS for Churches Ltd ( 2002-2020.

Sunday 30th August - Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, August 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 23rd August - Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, August 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 16th August - Tenth Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, August 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 9th August - Ninth Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, August 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 2nd August - Eighth Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, August 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 26th July - Seventh Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, July 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 19th July - Sixth Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, July 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 12th July - Fifth Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, July 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 5th July - Fourth Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource, July 2020 © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 28th June - Third Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications
Sunday 21st June - Second Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 14th June - First Sunday after Trinity
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 7th June - Trinity Sunday
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 31st May - Pentecost
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 24th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 17th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 10th May - Fifth Sunday of Easter
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 3rd May - Fourth Sunday of Easter
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 26th April - Third Sunday of Easter
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 19th April - Second Sunday of Easter
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 12th April - Easter Sunday
'Look' Children's Resource © Redemptorist Publications

Sunday 5th April - Palm Sunday

Sunday 29th March - Fifth Sunday of Lent

Sunday 22nd March - Fourth Sunday of Lent, Mothering Sunday

Sunday 15th March - Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday 8th March - Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 1st March - First Sunday of Lent

Sunday 16th and Sunday 23rd February - Second Sunday before Lent, Sunday next before Lent

Sunday 9th February - Third Sunday before Lent

Sunday 2nd February - Presentation of Christ

Sunday 26th January - Third Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 19th January - Second Sunday of Epiphany

Sunday 12th January - Baptism of Christ

Sunday 5th January 2020 - Epiphany

Sunday 22nd December, Christmas Day and Sunday 29th December

Sunday 15th December - Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday 8th December - Second Sunday of Advent

Sunday 1st December - First Sunday of Advent

Sunday 24th November - Christ the King

Sunday 17th November - Second Sunday before Advent

Sunday 10th November - Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 3rd November - All Saints' Day

Sunday 27th October - Bible Sunday

Sunday 20th October - Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 13th October - Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 6th October - Harvest Festival

Sunday 29th September - Michael and All Angels

Sunday 22nd September - Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 15th September - Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 8th September - Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Sundays 25th August and 1st September - Tenth and Eleventh Sundays after Trinity

Sundays 11th and 18th August - Eighth and Ninth Sundays after Trinity

Sunday 4th August 2019 - Seventh Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 28th July 2019 - Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 21st July 2019 - Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 14th July 2019 - Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 7th July 2019 - Third Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 30th June 2019 - Second Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 23rd June 2019 - First Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 16th June 2019 - Trinity Sunday

Sunday 9th June 2019 - Day of Pentecost

Sunday 2nd June 2019 - Seventh Sunday of Easter

Sunday 26th May 2019 - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 19th May 2019 - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 12th May 2019 - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday 5th May 2019 - Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday 28th April 2019 - Second Sunday of Easter

Sunday 21st April 2019 - Easter Day

Sunday 14th April 2019 - Palm Sunday

Sunday 7th April 2019 - Fifth Sunday of Lent

Sunday 31st March 2019 - Fourth Sunday of Lent, Mothering Sunday

Sunday 24th March 2019 - Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday 17th March 2019 - Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 10th March 2019 - First Sunday of Lent