Children and Young People

This is a page especially for our young friends at St Michael's!


We welcome children as full members of our Church, and there are many opportunities for children and young people to be involved in the life of the Church.  See the links at the bottom of the page for more info.

Grown ups: The YouTube/Vimeo links will always be carefully checked, with E-safety in mind, and are designed to be a shared experience as a family, not for children on their own.  You might wish to check out the videos before your children view them.

Who is Saint Michael?

St Michael, West Window
He's an Archangel (one of the most important of God's angels) and is mentioned a few times in the Bible - why not see if you can find him:20200925 125238
Daniel, Chapter 10 and 12
Jude, Chapter 1
The most famous story is mentioned right at the end of the Bible:
Revelation, Chapter 12, verses 7–9
"Then there was a war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back. But the dragon was not strong enough. He and his angels lost their place in heaven. He was thrown down out of heaven. (The giant dragon is that old snake called the devil or Satan. He leads the whole world the wrong way.) The dragon with his angels was thrown down to the earth."   International Children's Bible
St Michael

Click on this picture of St Michael to print and colour it in ⇒
You can find pictures of St Michael in a few places in our church too:  he's one of the four archangels in the West Window and there's a banner of him too.
We celebrate St Michael's special day on 29th September, or the Sunday nearest to it.
You might want to think of St Michael whenever you feel lonely, scared, or tempted. 

Tiny Tots is here! Thursdays from 12:30 - 2/2:30pm
Tiny Tots relaunch
Did you come to Tiny Tots when you were really small?  Well it's now here in a new and exciting way and on a new day with lots of fun activities so if you have little sisters or brothers, why not ask your grownups if they'd like to come along! Grown-ups, please note that we now meet in the Windhill Churches Centre (it's buggy friendly and there's baby changing in all loos).  You older children are welcome on inset days / school holidays and you can bring a packed lunch too!


Godly Play poster
Come along on Sundays at 10am and share A Godly Play

WE'RE HERE EVERY WEEK WITH SOME SPECIAL TIME JUST FOR YOU IN THE SUNDAY SERVICE !!  We invite YOU, with your grownups, to come into the Lady Chapel during the sermon and prayers, and share in A Godly Play (a short story, with things to wonder about together and some fun activities afterwards).   We've also got a session for older children on the second and fourth Sunday of the month.

Ask for our 'Look' activity sheets!

Look logo

There's a weekly Bible story, some fun puzzles and a short prayer to say with your grown-ups.  Pick up yours at our Sunday Service (or sometime in the week if you can't make it to Church).
© Redemptorist Publications

Godly Story

Here's a taster of A Godly Play

You might like to watch A Godly Story.  There's lots of fab videos of Bible stories, made by people from St Albans Diocese (that's the group of churches around us that St Michael's Church is a part of).  It's got questions at the end that you can wonder about and talk about together with your grown-ups afterwards.  Find the video on YouTube HERE!



Crazy Pandas

Crazy Pandas

Crazy Pandas Worship Song
Crazy Pandas feature at the fantastic Christian Festival, Spring Harvest.  Have a listen to their excellent song and bonkers video 'Oh Wow! (Awesome God)' right here ⇒
Crazy Pandas TV Series
Ask your grown-ups if you can watch this fun-filled 11 part series especially for kids, made with the brilliant Cheeky PandasClick here for the series on their YouTube Channel.

Quick quiz image

Can you beat this quiz?
You'll need to have a look around the churchyard and on some other question markpages on this website for your answers! Click on the Quick Quiz to pull up a full-size version to print.
Here are the answers ... no peeking! 

Have a look at this Stop Motion Filming!Filmstrip
Our Youth Group created this bit of silliness back in 2013 and it's still fun to watch.  Click on the pic below to find the 'Youth Group Animation' video on our media page ⇒IMGP0067



St Michael's School
There's lots of information about our wonderful church school of St Michael's on our St Michael's School page (including a link to the school website) but that's mostly a way for us to tell your grown-ups about things.
Here's something that might appeal to you guys and your families ...School Logo
Staff and pupils have created some fantastic worship videos which you might like to watch and share together ⇒

A4 YP PosterThirst Youth Cafe
Thirst Youth Café is a safe space, run by Bishops Stortford Youth Project for young people to come, eat, relax, play and enjoy each other’s company whilst also being a place where they can be creative, receive support and advice from experienced youth workers and positive role models.  Their doors are always open to anyone aged 11- 18.  
Sorry NO parents or Grown ups allowed – unless you work or volunteer for us!
FREE hot food at Thirst Youth Café for secondary school children (11-18's), Wednesdays from 3.30pm (and Thursdays from January 2023)  This is part of the “Warm Spaces” initiative.  Food available whilst stocks last.  Menu changes weekly.

HBW logoHoliday Bible Week
Holiday Bible Week is a brilliant event put together by members of churches all over Bishop's Stortford, Thorley and the nearby villages.  It takes place every August (and has done for more than THIRTY YEARS!) in big tents in the grounds of a local school.  There's a central group with members from these churches that meet regularly to plan and organise everything that is needed for each years event.HBW 2024

Save the date for this year! Monday 5th - Friday 9th August 2024

500+ children take part in a whole heap of activities - crafts, silly games, singing, prayers) all centred around Jesus Christ and the Bible.  Find out more and sign up by clicking on the link below.

Click on these links below to find out about more ways you can be involved:
Junior Church
Young Servers, readers, prayers