Sunday Services 
Our normal pattern of Sunday worship is:
8am Holy Communion in Church, usually the first and third Sunday
A quieter Communion service, using modern language, with a short sermon but no hymns or music.
10am Service of the Word (Parish Communion on the second and fourth Sundays) in Church and by Zoom (see our newsletter for more details).
Our main service, using modern language, with hymns and a sermon, and with a session for children/young people and their families. The Choir usually sings at this service.
Please note that you will need to print your own order of service for Service of the Word if you are coming to Church. The forthcoming Sunday's sheet is available here from each Friday.
You would be most welcome to join us at any of our services!!!
For latest details, please check the Church Calendar.
The monthly Music List, with information on hymns and anthems, is available here.