Newsletter and Notices

The latest Parish weekly newsletter is here.

Other notices are as follows -

Sickness and pastoral need – If you or someone you know is unwell, and may value prayer and/or pastoral care, perhaps Holy Communion at home if housebound; please email or speak to the Parish Office, or a member of the ministry team. Thank you.

FoodbankFood Bank Update – This January, Bishop’s Stortford Food Bank welcomed Jim Tatchell as its new Chair of Trustees. Jim has been the Treasurer for the Food Bank for the last six years and is very much a part of the local community. He is a local businessman, Vice-President of the Stort Valley Rotary Club and co-founder of the charity Helping Herts. He said, “I look forward to carrying on the amazing work that was put in place by previous Chairs of Trustees Bill Macdonald and Mione Goldspink, as we aim to reach even more deeply into our community to 
help even more people in need.”  Read more here.
The Spring 2025 newsletter is available to read here.
To find out more out more about the Food Bank, and to find out what their current shortage items are, you can visit their website.Increased costs of living continue to hit foodbanks hard.  

Sunday/Wednesday Coffees – Would you like to join the coffee rota for Wednesday or Sundays?  Please ask Gill or Claire.

Mrs B's Compassionate Companionship - Debra Barton is an award winning carer with 20+ years’ experience.  She provides a bespoke sitting service, in particular to provide unpaid carers with much needed respite.  For more details, see her flyer here.

Parish Safeguarding Officer – We are delighted that Dotun Akinde has volunteered to take over responsibilities. Michelle Durnell kindly continues as PCC Children’s Advocate.   See our Safeguarding Page for more information.

Explore the Diocese of St Albans websiteto discover a wealth of training and development opportunities for lay people.  This can also be accessed through a regular Mission and Ministry Newsletter by registering with their Resource Centre.   The Diocese is advertising for two part time administrators, as well as a Property Director, Further details on their website here

Paid Opportunity: Clerk to the Governors – St Michael’s School has a vacancy for the Clerk to the Governors (and other roles), supporting governors by preparing for, attending and minuting meetings up to six times per year (equivalent to two hours per week).  Please speak to Mark Johnson / Val Ashwood or click here to find out more.

Street Pastors video – It was lovely to hear more about the work of the Street Pastors recently.  They played a short introductory video clip which wasn’t very easy to see in the bright light of the Charnley Hall.  You might like to watch it again (or the longer video that follows) on You Tube here.

Parish Office contact and availability – As well as working from home each weekday from 9am-1pm, Katharine is generally available in the office on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to midday.  Katharine may be reached via email as usual.

Giving Season Responses - Thank you for responses received during our Giving Season.  Further responses, for Time and Talents and/or Financial Giving, can be placed in the wooden post box in the corner of the North Porch, or handed to a Warden.  Thank you very much for considering your response to our appeal this year. Derwyn

Church Opening –  The Church is generally open from early morning to mid/late afternoon.  Please can tasks and activities be scheduled within these hours.  If access is sought outside these hours, please contact the Parish Office to request, or make an arrangement with a keyholder.  Many thanks, Derwyn.  

Parking in the Churchyard – Please be aware that the churchyard is needed intermittently for workmen attending to repairs, so parking is not always available.  

Guide to Holy Communion – Copies of this useful guide, written by Derek, are freely available to members of the congregation.  Please help yourself. They can be found in the Publicity Area.
For visitors to St Michael’s, a different way of giving – We have a Card Giving machine (either contactless or with your PIN) in the Welcome Area and also a text messaging giving account.  It will accept donations from £2 to £20.  Text STMIC followed by any amount between 2 and 20 to 70085.  Try it, it works quickly and easily!  Many thanks!

Unwell and needing contact from us?  Please make sure to inform the Parish Office if you are unwell and would value contact from the Church, or would like to request a visit or communion at home because you are housebound.  Please don’t rely on the ‘Grapevine’ to communicate for you: do contact the Office direct (01279 654416 /  Thank you very much!