New to Church?
Welcome! Whether you've just moved to the area, or have lived here all your life, we hope our website helps you to find out everything you want to know about St Michael's Church.
Key information about the Church...
Our main Sunday service is at 10am. We share a 'Service of the Word' on the first and third Sunday of the month, which is a more informal service with Bible readings, songs, music and prayers. On the second, fourth and fifth Sunday of the month we celebrate Holy Communion together, using Common Worship (modern language) booklets. If you are new, it is best if you can aim to arrive 10 minutes early so that we can welcome you and find you a seat in time for the service to start.
We meet in the main Church building at:
Bishop's Stortford
Hertfordshire CM23 2ND
You can see a map on our contact us page.
We try to give everyone a warm welcome! The Sidespeople (those giving out the service books) will be able to direct you as to where to sit, and our Churchwardens will try to make you feel welcome and answer any questions you may have about the Church.
If you are coming to Church with babies or small children: wonderful! There is space to park buggies at the back of the church and a toilet beyond the kitchen area. We share a Godly Play session in the Lady Chapel every week; for children, young people and their families during the sermon/prayers and there are plenty of books and activity sheets to enjoy too.
For the service itself, if the service is Holy Communion, then we use a service book which sets out the prayers that we say together as part of the service and a hymn book for the hymns we sing. The readings from the Bible are set out on another sheet. In the first part of the service, we focus on the Bible readings followed by the sermon and intercessions (prayers for particular things), and then we move to the communion part of the service, when the bread and wine are prepared and distributed. If you already receive communion as a member of another church then you are welcome to receive communion at St Michael's, but if not, you are still very welcome to come forward for a blessing (please keep your hands together and bow your head when you come up to the altar, so that we know you want a blessing). The Holy Communion service takes about an hour.
If the service is Service of the Word, then the structure is more informal but the service will be built around a theme, again with short Bible readings, prayers, hymns, reflective music and a sermon. People of all ages will usually be involved in helping with readings and prayers. The Service of the Word takes about an hour.
No Collection is taken but donations to help fund the work of the Church and meet expenses are gratefully received. Please donate by Text or leave a gift (in a completed gift aid envelope if you are able to do so, since that increases the value of your gift to the church) in the Offertory Plate in the porches as you leave. Thank you. We are encouraging supporters of the church to give by Bank Transfer to support our work. Details are available here.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are served after the service in the Charnley Hall (in the Windhill Churches Centre just outside the Church) where there is plenty of time to meet new people and ask more questions. There is also an area with toys, books and games for children. If you want to get to know other members of the Church community, then meeting them over coffee is the best way to do that.
During the 10am Sunday service, we invite children of all ages, with their adults, to come into the Lady Chapel during part of the service, and share in A Godly Play (a short visual storytelling of scriptures, with wondering questions, stories, crafts, puzzles, and even some acting for those that want … for all ages to share together; then various age related activities). There's a display in the Lady Chapel most weeks, if you’d like to find out more!
On the rare occasions there's no Godly Play session, children are very welcome to stay in the church with their adults, and there is a space at the back of the church (on the green carpet) where there are some children's books and activity sheets.
No - please just be yourself and come dressed in your 'normal' clothes.
No - you are free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you.
More information is available on our dedicated Accessibility page here
Please feel free to contact us.