Anglican Cursillo is a movement of the Church which aims to help Christians follow Jesus and grow in discipleship through prayer, study and action, and to help them to share God’s love with everyone.

Pictures from a 'Cursillo' weekend
The name 'Cursillo' (pronounced 'koor-see-yo') derives from the Spanish "Cursillos de Christiandad" meaning 'short courses in Christian living'. The Cursillo movement started in Spain in 1949 and has since spread all over the world. Cursillo came to the Anglican Church in the UK in 1981 and now operates under the care of the British Anglican Cursillo Council in more than 30 Dioceses in the UK. Whilst the Cursillo Movement is not formally part of the Church of England's structures, it has been strongly endorsed and commended by senior Church leaders, including both Archbishops.

A key feature of the movement is a 3-day weekend course of fellowship, teaching, study, worship and prayer run by existing members of the movement for those 'pilgrims' who are interested in the aims of Cursillo. Following the weekend, those who join the movement are invited to meet on a monthly basis. In Cursillo terminology, the rest of your life after a 3-day weekend is referrred to as "the Fourth Day", and so these regular monthly meetings are called Fourth Day groups. They are not intended as discussion or Bible study groups, but enable members to share recent experiences in their Christian life and to encourage one another to persevere in following Jesus.
For information on our thriving and active local groups please contact any of the following, or email
Mike Ashwood, Diane Cox, John Emmett, Margaret Fox, Derek and Pauline Hinge, Val Jones.