St Michael's School
St Michael’s School is our Church School. It is a Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary School located in Apton Road, a short distance away from the Church. The school maintains a distinctive Christian ethos and enjoys a special association and close relationship with St Michael’s Church. For example, the whole school community worships in the Church several times each year, and the clergy at St Michael’s visit the school each week to lead worship and they are involved in many of the school's activities and events. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of the Church appoints Foundation Governors to serve on the school’s Governing Body.
The school is in the Diocese of St Albans and has an active association with the Diocesan Board of Education. They provide guidelines, information and resources relating to Church Schools concerning Christian character, R.E. and collective worship. The Diocese provides training for staff, clergy and Governors.
The school has achieved the R.E. Gold Quality Mark for embedding excellent, creative and innovative R.E. practice throughout the school and for recognition as outstanding in the wider community.
Apton Road, Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 3SN
Tel: 01279 652607 Fax: 01279 654253
Headteacher: Ms Rachel Griffiths
Further information is on the school website here.
Ofsted success at St. Michael’s School
March 2025
St Michael’s CE Primary school is delighted that a recent inspection by Ofsted found that ‘pupils are proud to attend this school and they show self-assurance that stems from feeling happy and secure’. The inspector considered that the school had effectively maintained standards and that pupils can ‘make the most of their learning opportunities’ and ‘achieve well’. The inspector noted that the children showed a ‘consideration for others’ which, ‘combined with the caring staff, fosters a strong sense of community. When new pupils arrive, they are warmly welcomed and treated with kindness.’ The school’s emphasis on phonics and reading was welcomed and recognised as ‘vital for pupils’ academic achievement later’. Furthermore, the inspector noted that ‘pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported by skilled staff’.
Of course, school is not just about learning and at St Michael’s ‘pupils behave well at social times’ and in the playground they ‘play organised games, which keeps them active and allows them to enjoy the competitive elements.’
Headteacher, Miss Rachel Griffiths, commented,
"I am thrilled that the report recognises the many strengths we are most proud of and also talks about our caring staff and strong sense of community. It reflects our wonderful children, who “work hard and try their best” helping them to achieve their best. A big shout out goes to our staff and governors who work tirelessly to make the school all it is and to our incredible children who are the life and soul of our school and make it such a special place to be."
The school is offering tours for parents of children interested in joining our outstanding Early Years Foundation Stage classes. See the school
website for details.
We have an opportunity for a Governor at our Church School! Would you be interested or do you know somebody who might be? Please contact Mark Johnson for information ( or speak to Val Ashwood or the Vicar.
Renewing the vision for our St Michael’s School
Thank you for all your responses to how YOU would like St Michael's to grow. We carefully considered all your answers and incorporated many of them into our new school vision.
Click here for the full document.
Learning for Life: Our vision
At our school we will provide an inspiring, supportive and aspirational environment built on Christian values in order to: educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement; enable them to reach and expand their potential; to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.
We currently have spaces in both our Reception and Nursery for the academic year 2023-24.
Take a look at our school website and follow the link for the virtual tour to find out more about our thriving school and our 'Outstanding' (OFSTED 2019) EYFS.
For further details about applying for our school nursery then please contact our admissions management on 01279652607 or via email
We are now offering all day provision. This means that we will continue to provide our morning Nursery every day (fully funded) but there will be the option for your child to stay all day into the afternoon (Funded or non-funded). For further details on whether you are eligible for this to be funded for 30 hours please click on the link here.
A new prayer box for children and staff
Maggie Jarman stepped down as Chair of Governors in Summer 2022, after many years of service and gifted a beautiful new prayer box to the school. She herself was given a wonderful bird bath, with a piece of mosaic placed by every single child and member of staff.
During Lockdown St Michael's School staff organised a wonderful message for all parents and carers: