Working Groups And Committees
At our main Sunday services, our worship is led by our clergy team, but they are supported by many people who perform important roles such as Sidespeople and Welcomers, Servers and Assistants, Readers, Intercessors, Cantors, (and those who offer the Prayer Ministry in the Lady Chapel after our 10am service, although this is not currently in place).
Sidespeople are the first point of contact with members of the congregation, whether new or old, and visitors, and are therefore very important to the life of the church. In addition to their welcoming role, they hand out and retrieve hymn and service books, and take up and count the offerings.
Servers and Assistants are a team of people who, again on a rota basis, carry out the important tasks of preparing the altar and communion table and assisting the clergy in administering the bread and wine to the congregation.
Readers, Intercessors and Cantors are teams of people who, respectively, read the lessons, lead the prayers (intercessions) and lead the congregation in singing the psalms.
In addition, there are many working groups and committees within St Michael's that meet (mainly during the week) and that work hard to keep the church going. They are listed below.
Clergy Team and Staff
Churchwardens and Deputies/Assistants
Parochial Church Council - PCC - including link to APCM information
Charities Support Group
Coffee Rota 
Cleaning Team
Craft Group
Education Group
Fabric Committee
Finance Committee
Flowers Team
Outreach Group
Pastoral Group PCC
Pastoral Team
Social Committee
Worship and Music Group