Charities Support Group
Our Charities Support Group is responsible for deciding, on behalf of the PCC, which charities and organisations should be given money from the Charities Support budget. This budget is made up of both funds that are entrusted to the Committee by the PCC for charitable giving (which amount to around 10% of the church’s general income), plus funds that are raised by specific Charities Support Group activities such as the annual Holly Fair.
Our aim is to give a tenth of our income (a tithe) to support the work of various missionary and charitable organisations working in the UK and overseas.
We see this as a practical way of demonstrating the gospel imperative to love our neighbours as ourselves.
In deciding which charities and organisations to support, the Charities Support Group is guided by the Charities Support Group Giving Policy, available for download here.
For more information on recent giving and letters of thanks, see Our Charitable Giving Page.