Education Group
The Education Group is one of the subgroups of the PCC.
The function of the Education Group is to focus the church’s attention on its vision to be a transforming community of people who know God, and on its mission to broaden the knowledge of God amongst all members of St Michael’s through teaching and study, in particular by encouraging all adult members and all children to learn more about God, Jesus and the Christian faith through group and private study, by assisting in organising training and discussion courses, by ensuring that educational resources are available, and by developing the links between St Michael’s School and the church.
(PCC Groups Terms of Reference adopted 12 Sept 2005)
Employing a Families Minister

To find out more about this role, see the job description here. If you’d value an informal conversation about this post, do please contact the Vicar, The Rev'd Derwyn Williams, on 01279 899261 (daytime), or using
Families Minister Application Form
Confidential Declaration
Policy on Employment of ex-offenders