Lent and Easter 2025
A printable booklet version of this information is available here.
Before services in Lent we will be encouraging congregations to give time to thoughtful preparation for worship. There are leaflets with prayer and devotional material available in the Publicity Area in church (
available here too). Here is a prayer you may like to use at home in this season:
Almighty and everlasting God,
you hate nothing that you have made

and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent:
create and make in us new and contrite hearts
that we, worthily lamenting our sins
and acknowledging our wretchedness,
may receive from you, the God of all mercy,
perfect remission and forgiveness;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
In addition to our regular services, please note:
5 March 10am - Ash Wednesday Communion
5 March 7:30pm - Ash Wednesday Choral Eucharist
11 March 12pm - Lent Meditation
16 March 11:15am - BCP Holy Communion & Litany
18 March 12pm - Lent Meditation
25 March 12pm - Lent Meditation
1 April 12pm - Lent Meditation
6 April 6pm - Choral Evensong for Passiontide
8 April 12pm - Lent Meditation
13 April - Parish Communion for Palm Sunday
17 April 7:30pm - Maundy Thursday Eucharist
18 April 10am - Good Friday United Service with Churches Together
20 April 8am - Easter Day Holy Communion
20 April 10am - Easter Day Parish Communion with the Choir
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 5th March, when all are invited to begin the season with special services of Penitence. Holy Communion at 10am, Choral Eucharist at 7:30pm. Optional imposition of ashes available at both services.
On Ash Wednesday we will begin using Psalm 1 as a Lenten ‘Anchor’ psalm for the season.
On Tuesday Lunchtimes at 12 noon, we will hold meditations in the Lady Chapel. These will be followed by a frugal lunch and fellowship in the Windhill Churches Centre, in aid of the two charities supported by our Charities Support Group Lent Appeal this year: Holy Trinity Night Shelter and Supporting Dalit Children.
This year our theme is Lent Reflections on Everyday Objects, with a reading, reflection, hymn and prayer.
11 March Spectacles
18 March Shoes
25 March A Toilet
1 April Electricity [Session will take place in WCC today]
8 April A Dining Table
Why not place a renewed emphasis on the joy and discipline of regular worship, and the special services (details in the inset box) this season offers? If you’re away and can’t attend, why not ponder the Gospel at home?
Tom Wright’s ‘Lent, Holy Week and Easter: From Wilderness to Glory’ is a helpful resource for daily Bible reading and reflection. And may we recommend Rowan Williams’ ‘Luminaries’ as a devotional book you may like to read and ponder during this season.
Gospel Readings during Lent
5 March Matthew 6. 1-6, 16-21 or John 8. 1-11
9 March Luke 4. 1-13
16 March Luke 13. 31-35
23 March Luke 13. 1-9
30 March Mothering Sunday Luke 2. 33-35
[Readings for Fourth Sunday of Lent: Luke 15. 1-3, 11b-32]
6 April John 12. 1-8
13 April Luke 19. 28-40
17 April John 13. 1-17, 31b-35
18 April John 18. 1 - 19. 42
20 April Luke 24. 1-12 or John 20. 1-18