Forthcoming Events 

See the Church Calendar for information about services and events.  Below is further information about some of these events and information about other events that we have been asked to publicise.

10am Parish Communion, in Church (booklets in church)
8am Holy Communion, in Church (booklets in church)
10am Service of the Word, in Church and via Zoom (Order of Service available here ).
Please note that you will need to print your own order of service if you are coming to church.
6pm Choral Evensong for Passion Sundayin Church
10am Holy Communion with Palm Ceremonies, in Church (booklets in church)
Godly Play for children and young people in the Lady Chapel during the 10am service.
We’re delighted to offer refreshments to enjoy in the WCC after the 10am service.

When you are signed in you can ‘Join a Meeting’ (See newsletter for ID and Passcode).
Alternatively you can phone in (
Call 0131 460 1196 then follow instructions, entering Meeting ID and Meeting Passcode, followed by hash (#), as instructed).
Whether or not you might like to do this, let’s be aware of the prayerful communion in God’s Spirit that we all share, wherever we are, whether or not we are able to see one another.
I mention you always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God’s will, I may succeed in coming to you. For I long to see you, that I may impart some spiritual gift to strengthen you, that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. Romans 1.9-11.
Godly Play logoWe’re delighted to share a short session for children and young people during our Sunday 10am service, EVERY WEEK!
We invite them, with their adults, to come into the Lady Chapel during the sermon and prayers, and share in a short Godly Play (a visual storytelling of scriptures, with wondering questions to share together).  There's a new breakout session for older children at the same time, same place now too, on the Second and Fourth Sunday of every month!

Individual personal prayer, early morning to mid afternoon each day
The church is generally open from early morning to mid afternoon every day.  Please do publicise this amongst those you know: there must be many people who would value an opportunity to spend some comforting time in prayer, peace and reflection in these times.  May our church’s light shine in the darkness.
Prayers for our Community, 9:30am, every Saturday, in church
We meet each Saturday for a half hour session of informal prayer for those within our community and issues which affect our town and community.  All welcome.
Fabric and grounds working party session, Saturday 29th March, from 10am
All are welcome to help until noon, or whatever time you have available. Please meet in the south porch.  We shall be looking at what we can do to keep the church in good repair, and the grounds tidy in the warmer season. Refreshments afterwards.
Craft Group meets on alternate Mondays, WCC, 10am-12noon, next on Monday 31st March
All welcome!  We sometimes bring along our own current crafting hobby and sometimes one of the group shares a craft. In the past we have done sewing, knitting, crochet, paper crafts, macramé and book folding. We usually prepare items for sale at the annual St Michael’s Church Holly Fair (all proceeds of which go to local, national and international charities).

Lent Reflections, Tuesdays from 11th March, 12-12:30pm in the Lady Chapel (The session on 1st April will be in the Windhill Churches Centre)
All are warmly invited to join these sessions during Lent. This year our theme is Lent Reflections on Everyday Objects, with a reading, reflection, hymn and prayer. Each session will be followed by a frugal lunch at 12:30pm in the WCC, in aid of the two charities supported by our Charities Support Group Lent Appeal this year.  See the Lent and Easter 2025 page for more information; there are a few copies in the Publicity Area too.

TLC GenericTLC Tuesdays, next meeting Tuesday 1st April in the WCC, 2:15pm for 2:30pm
Join tea and talk and a regular short presentation on wide ranging interests.  Martin Pettitt will be our speaker next month with his talk, ‘The French Peasant and the Welsh Princess’.
Funeral of Dick Prime, this Wednesday 2nd April, 1:30pm
Pat has asked us to share the date of Dick’s funeral, and adds, “All are welcome to join us in the hall after the service”.

Holy Communion, Wednesday 2nd & 9th April, 10am
A service of Holy Communion, in church.  Refreshments after the service are held in the WCC.  
St Michael's 'Tiny Tots', Thursday 3rd, Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th April, starting at 12:30pm
A4 YP PosterTiny TotsHeld weekly in the Windhill Churches Centre, Tiny Tots is for parents/carers and babies/preschoolers during term time, plus older children / siblings are very welcome during all inset days and school holidays.  It is around 1.5 - 2 hours starting with playtime and tea/coffee, then songs, stories, activities and a prayer.  The Windhill Churches Centre (CM23 2PE) has easy buggy access and baby change facilities.   You're welcome to bring a packed lunch too!  It is also ok to be late, we understand!  We look forward to welcoming you soon!  There's an extra session on Wednesday 9th April too - because of the Easter holidays!
FREE hot food at Thirst Youth Café for secondary school children (11-18's), Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3.30pm
This is part of the “Warm Spaces” initiative.  Food available whilst stocks last.  Menu changes weekly.”
Forthcoming 8am services
We’ll celebrate Holy Communion at 8am on Sunday 6th and 20th April.

Forthcoming Services using the Book of Common Prayer (1662)
​6th April, 6pm: Choral Evensong for Passion Sunday; 18th May, 11:15am: Eastertide Prayer Book Communion; 29th May, 7:30pm: Ascension Day Sung Prayer Book Communion; 22nd June 6pm: Choral Evensong for St Alban's Day.
Quiet Days in Albury, Thursday 24th April
Places are limited at these popular days of reflection and contemplation in June’s home; do contact the Office for more information.
Quiz Night, 3rd May, 7pm in the WCC, for a prompt 7:30pm start
We’re raising funds for a Leprosy Mission Project (in addition to the donations we make each year through the CSG) as there is urgent need for further help.  Tickets are £15 each, including a fish/chicken and chip supper.  There will be a raffle too!  Please see Rosemary asap for details/tickets, after Sunday and Wednesday services.  We can accommodate individuals or tables of 8. 

TLC Tuesdays, meeting Tuesday 6th May in the WCC, 2:15pm for 2:30pm
Join tea and talk and a regular short presentation on wide ranging interests.  Next month, Roy Edwards will be talking to us about First Aid in the Home: ‘Something is better than nothing’.

Tower Tour 18 MayTower Open Day,  Sunday 18th May, 1:30-3:00pm
An opportunity for a tour of our Belltower, including the ringing chamber, clock, bells ... and even the parapet for breathtaking views over the town.
APCM, 25th May after 10am service
The Electoral Roll is due to be renewed this year starting on 31st March and ending on 28th April, if you’d like to join our electoral roll and/or nominate for PCC election. The old Roll will be discarded and everyone who wishes to be on the new Roll will need to fill in an application form.

An early date for your diary - Tuesday 3rd June
The TLC Club invites you to join them at their annual Mystery Tour on Tuesday afternoon 3rd June (booking in April).

HBW 2025, 'Once upon a time...', Monday 4th - Friday 8th August
Registration now open for both children and volunteers for this year’s event.
Bereavement Journey Course
For anyone bereaved at any time; with films and discussion groups. It's the chance to explore grief in a safe space.  If you are interested and would value a preliminary conversation please contact Alison Jordan via the Parish Office.