December 22nd 

Advent Candle Prayers for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

This week we focus on Mary, who bore Christ in her womb, and completes the picture of those who prepared for the coming of Christ.

Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, merciful and gentle: 
to you be praise and glory for ever.
Your light has shone in our darkened world 
through the child-bearing of blessed Mary; 
grant that we who have seen your glory 
may daily be renewed in your image
and prepared like her for the coming of your Son, 
who is the Lord and Saviour of all. 
Blessed be God for ever.
God our Father, 
the angel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary 
that she was to be the mother of your Son. 
Though Mary was afraid,
she responded to your call with joy. 
Help us, whom you call to serve you,
to share like her in your great work
of bringing to our world your love and healing.
We ask this through Jesus Christ,
the light who is coming into the world.
Lord Jesus, light of the world,
blessed is Gabriel, who brought good news;
blessed is Mary, your mother and ours.
Bless your Church preparing for Christmas;
and bless us your children, who long for your coming.


December 21st 

The Christmas Tree is up and looking beautiful

Christmas Tree

Why not come into the church today and spend some time in reflection and prayer.

Some suggestions for prayer:
Light a candle as you pray for someone who isn’t here with you.
Write a prayer label and offer your prayer on the Christmas Tree.
Pray for people who are cold and without food or shelter tonight.
Thank God for coming to be with us in Jesus.


December 20th 

The Christmas Story, a reflective journey

The Annunciation
Are you coming to our Christmas Eve services?
Or are you popping into town that day?  Do stop by at the Church for a few minutes of calm and reflection in an otherwise busy day.  

We invite you to look at the flower arrangements as you make your way around the church.  At the Crib, do light a Candle, say a prayer, and write a prayer to place on the Christmas Tree.  There are also activities in the Lady Chapel, especially suitable for families.

A few minutes of calm and reflection in an otherwise busy day.  You won't be disappointed.

December 19th 

20211208 184632Today we come to the last of our services with so many schools from around the town.  We've rejoiced at the worship of our young people: from those aged just 4 to those in Sixth Form and shared in wonderful music, singing, prayers and readings.

We wish all the staff, governors, families, children and school communities a Christmas break filled with joy and the peace of the Christ-Child,

December 18th 

Candlelit Choral Advent Proces

The Festival of Lessons and Carols was introduced to our worship in the late nineteenth century and made widespread by the choir of King’s College, Cambridge, in the first half of the twentieth century.

The first formal service of Nine Lessons and Carols was conducted by The Right Rev'd Edward White Benson (at that time Bishop of Truro) at Truro Cathedral on Christmas Eve 1880. 

Benson became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1883 and the Nine Lessons service began to gain in popularity across the Church of England and the wider Anglican Communion; often with the tradition of lessons read by various officers of the church, beginning with a treble chorister and ending, through different grades, with the priest or bishop.

This Sunday, 22nd December we are delighted to, once again, celebrate our service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 6pm.

December 17th 

Sunlit stained glass at High AltarOur heavenly Father, as once again we prepare for Christmas, help us to find time in our busy lives for quiet and thought and prayer; that we may reflect upon the wonder of your love and allow the story of the Saviour’s birth to penetrate our hearts and minds.

So may our joy be deeper, our worship more real, and our lives worthier of all that you have done for us through the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Frank Colquhoun

December 16th 

A More Unusual Carol 

Some English carols were called mystical because of their rich legendary lore. Many lacked the reverence but were festive and enjoyed by most.  In one such carol the singer pretends to be Christ on the eve of his marriage to the church:

"Tomorrow shall be my dancing day:
I would my true love so did chance
To see the legend of my play,
To call my true love to my dance

From Song of Songs Chapter 8 verse 14

Arise, my darling!
Come quickly, my beloved.
Come and be the graceful gazelle with me.
Come be like a young stag with me.
We will dance in the high place of the sky,
Yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice.
Forever we shall be united as one! 

December 15th 

Prayers for the Third Sunday of Advent

This week we focus on the theme of ‘John the Baptist': John, cousin of Jesus, proclaimed the Saviour.

Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, just and true:
to you be praise and glory for ever.
Your prophet John the Baptist was witness to the truth
as a burning and shining light.
May we your servants rejoice in his light,
and so be led to witness to him
who is the Lord of our coming kingdom,
Jesus our Saviour and King of the ages.
Blessed be God for ever.
God our Father,
you gave to Zechariah and Elizabeth in their old age
a son called John.
He grew up strong in spirit,
prepared the people for the coming of the Lord,
and baptized them in the Jordan to wash away their sins.
Help us, who have been baptized into Christ,
to be ready to welcome him into our hearts,
and to grow strong in faith by the power of the Spirit.
We ask this through Jesus Christ,
the light who is coming into the world.
Lord Jesus, light of the world,
John told the people to prepare,
for you were very near.
As Christmas grows closer day by day,
help us to be ready to welcome you now.

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December 14th

"See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands"

Isaiah 49. 14–25 ... a reading for today

But Zion said, ‘The Lord has forsaken me,
   my Lord has forgotten me.’
Can a woman forget her nursing-child,
   or show no compassion for the child of her womb?
Even these may forget,
   yet I will not forget you.
See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands;
   your walls are continually before me.
Your builders outdo your destroyers,
   and those who laid you waste go away from you.
Lift up your eyes all around and see;
   they all gather, they come to you.
As I live, says the Lord,
   you shall put all of them on like an ornament,
   and like a bride you shall bind them on.

Surely your waste and your desolate places
   and your devastated land—
surely now you will be too crowded for your inhabitants,
   and those who swallowed you up will be far away.
The children born in the time of your bereavement
   will yet say in your hearing:
‘The place is too crowded for me;
   make room for me to settle.’
Then you will say in your heart,
   ‘Who has borne me these?
I was bereaved and barren,
   exiled and put away—
   so who has reared these?
I was left all alone—
   where then have these come from?’

Thus says the Lord God:
I will soon lift up my hand to the nations,
   and raise my signal to the peoples;
and they shall bring your sons in their bosom,
   and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders.
Kings shall be your foster-fathers,
   and their queens your nursing-mothers.
With their faces to the ground they shall bow down to you,
   and lick the dust of your feet.
Then you will know that I am the Lord;
   those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.

Can the prey be taken from the mighty,
   or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?
But thus says the Lord:
Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken,
   and the prey of the tyrant be rescued;
for I will contend with those who contend with you,
   and I will save your children.

December 13th 

Come, Lord Jesus,Christmas Eve 2022
come as King.

Rule in our hearts,
come as love.
Rule in our minds,
come as peace.
Rule in our actions,
come as power.
Rule in our days,
come as joy.
Rule in our darkness,
come as light.
Rule in our bodies,
come as health.
Rule in our labours,
come as hope.
Thy Kingdom come
among us.

David Adam

December 12th 

Tiny Tots relaunchIt's Thursday today so that means Tiny Tots from 1230pm.

Held weekly in the Windhill Churches Centre, Tiny Tots is for parents/carers and babies/preschoolers in term time; and older children are very welcome during the holidays.

We start with playtime and tea/coffee, then songs, stories, activities and a prayer.  There’s easy buggy access and baby change facilities, and you’re welcome to bring a packed lunch if you like. It’s also ok to be late, we understand!

Come and share the wonder of the Christmas story with us this season.

We look forward to welcoming you!  

December 11th 


Christ our Advent hope,image
bare brown trees,
etched dark across a winter sky,
leaves fallen, rustling,
ground hard and cold,
remind us to prepare for your coming;
remind us to prepare for the time
when the soles of your feet will touch the ground,
when you will become one of us
to be at one with us.

Kate McIlhagga

December 10th 

Would you like to help our Charities Support Group raise money this Advent? 

We have just a few of our beautiful holly wreaths still available.  They're only £10 and almost every single penny of that is going to charities supported by our Charities Support Group.

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December 9th

The Living Crib 

446px-Giotto - Legend of St Fr

St Francis of Assisi, c. 1182-1226

In 1223, St Francis of Assisi traditionally created the first "crèche," or life-sized Nativity scene.  There, he and others sang some of the first carols (songs sung to lively music with a series of verses punctuated by a refrain) and ring or round dancing.  In part, these songs in the vernacular were intended as preaching aids, and went well beyond the Nativity, a tendency which would grow as the centuries passed.

December 8th 

Some Prayers for the Second Sunday of Advent
The theme of ‘The Prophets’ gives us an opportunity to reflect on the way the birth of the Messiah was ‘foretold’. 
Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, just and true:
to you be praise and glory for ever.
Of old you spoke by the mouth of your prophets,
but in our days you speak through your Son,
whom you have appointed the heir of all things.
Grant us, your people, to walk in his light,
that we may be found ready and watching
when he comes again in glory and judgement;
for you are our light and our salvation.
Blessed be God for ever.

God our Father,
you spoke to the prophets of old
of a Saviour who would bring peace.
You helped them to spread the joyful message
of his coming kingdom.
Help us, as we prepare to celebrate his birth,
to share with those around us
the good news of your power and love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ,
the light who is coming into the world.
Lord Jesus, light of the world,
the prophets said you would bring peace
and save your people in trouble.
Give peace in our hearts at Christmas
and show all the world God’s love.

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December 7th 

A Godly PlayAdvent craft, Nativity
Have you been coming along to share in our Godly Play sessions?

This Advent we've been looking at the Christmas story from the point of view of different characters each week, with the theme God is Love and using some of our glorious Nativity Scenes to help us.

Tomorrow we'll tell the story and enjoy some discussion around the arrival of the Wise Men.  Then there will be opportunities for all ages .... discussion time, puzzles and quizzes for older children, as well as the chance for crafts ... and some free time too.
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Come and join us ....
10am Parish Communion, Sunday 8th December 2024

December 6th 

Tomorrow is our Holly Fair!  Are you coming to share in the fun?Holly Ring

10am-1pm in the Windhill Churches Centre.

Food, stalls, refreshments and beautiful handmade holly wreaths.

ALL proceeds go to to local, national and international charities supported by our Charities Support Group.  You can find out more about the work they do by clicking here.

Holly Fair

December 5th 

The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming,” which is a translation of the Greek word parousia.  Scholars believe that during the 4th and 5th centuries in Spain and Gaul, Advent was a season of preparation for the baptism of new Christians at the January feast of Epiphany, the celebration of God’s incarnation represented by the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus (Matthew 2:1), his baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist (John 1:29), and his first miracle at Cana (John 2:1). During this season of preparation, Christians would spend 40 days in penance, prayer, and fasting to prepare for this celebration; originally, there was little connection between Advent and Christmas.

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December 4th 

The Advent Wreath

The lighting of candles on an Advent Wreath was imported into Britain from northern Europe in the20201213 105935 nineteenth century, and is now a common practice.

The Advent Wreath at St Michael's Church has four purple candles, reflecting the liturgical colour for Advent, in a ring around a white candle.  The first candle is lit on Advent Sunday and additional ones are lit Sunday by Sunday, with the white one lit on Christmas Day.
There are several traditions about the meaning or theme of each candle, traditionally the Church of England follows the following theme:
Advent 1   The Patriarchs
Advent 2 The Prophets
Advent 3   John the Baptist
Advent 4   The Virgin Mary
Christmas Day   The Christ
Each of the four Sundays then reminds us of those who prepared for the coming of Christ. ‘The Patriarchs’ can naturally focus on Abraham, our father in faith, and David, the ancestor in whose city Jesus was born. ‘The Prophets’ gives an opportunity to reflect on the way the birth of the Messiah was ‘foretold’. John, who proclaimed the Saviour, and Mary, who bore him in her womb, complete the picture.

Today our first candle will be alight at the 10am service: will you come to the service and share our worship with us?

December 3rd 

Today it's TLC Tuesday!
2:15pm for 2:30pm in the Windhill Churches CentreTLC Generic

The first Tuesday of every month!

An opportunity to join in with tea and talk and a regular 10/15 minute presentation on wide ranging interests.

Later in the afternoon we welcome families after school for a short while, to share in reading/play and enjoy a biscuit/cake/fruit snack.  Do come along…and tell your friends too!

This month, we welcome June Milne, as our speaker: past secretary of the historic Dunmow Flitch Trials.

December 2nd

Christmas Card frontHave you sent your Christmas greetings to friends at St Michael's yet?

This year, we're delighted to have our usual Giant Card on display in the Publicity Area in church so why not, instead of incurring postal charges, make a donation to The Children’s Society.  Jot a greeting to your church friends and add a donation to The Children's Society Box.

Alternatively, you might wish to donate your saving to The Children's Society by clicking on the link below:

Donate now

... but do come into church to sign the card and see everyone’s greetings in the card itself!

December 1st 

Travelling Crib 2

Our Travelling Crib begins its wonderful journey around the Parish!

A bit of background information…
There is an old Mexican tradition, Posada, where, during Advent, people dressed as Mary and Joseph and travelled around their villages knocking at peoples' doors to see who would give them hospitality (posada means 'inn').  

This custom has been adapted around the world through the idea of a ‘Travelling Crib’, which involves the model figures of a nativity scene being passed from house to house each night during Advent, before being brought to Church on Christmas Eve. This journey symbolises Mary and Joseph's difficult journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem before the birth of Jesus. On their designated night, host families set up the Crib in their homes and use the opportunity to stop what they were doing and think as a family about the true meaning of Christmas.  It is a lovely, unique way to help families prepare for Christmas, that schools and churches have been facilitating for years.

Our Crib begins its journey at Church on Sunday 1st December, with a blessing during the 10am service.  It's then going to our Church School of St Michael's to be greeted by the children at their Collective Worship on Tuesday morning.  Our headteacher, Ms Griffiths and her son will host the Crib, and it will continue on its journey with another teacher and her children too!

Each family gets to keep a little knitted sheep when they pass on the Travelling Crib ... and bring that sheep along to greet the Baby Jesus at our beautiful porcelain Crib during our family Crib Service on Christmas Eve.

Will Mary, Joseph and the donkey be staying at your house this Advent?

Do contact the Parish Office if you'd like to share in this joyous experience.
Travelling Crib 1

Advent Calendar December 2024

Season's Greetings from St Michael's Church