Becoming a bell ringer
Have you ever thought of taking up bell ringing?

It is mental exercise which requires you to think and use your memory, but will also help you to keep fit and improve your co-ordination. It is within the capabilities of most people, from all walks of life and of all ages.
It is not just ringing for church services, but a social activity for the whole community. Bell ringers are a friendly crowd who meet regularly for practices and for social activities such as meals, quizzes and outings. As a ringer, you will be welcomed into any tower in the country to join in with their practices.
The British style of ringing ‘full circle’ is a skill which is over 400 years old, so by learning to ring you will be helping to pass on these skills to keep the art of ringing alive.
Church bells are part of the heritage of a parish, dating back many hundreds of years. The bells, which are often inscribed with details of the founder and details of the churchwardens of the time, give us a fascinating insight into local history.
If you would like more information or even want to give it a try, please email or contact Nick Hughes via the Parish Office.